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FAQ: Arevo's products

The granules are delivered in 250ml bottles. One bottle is enough for planting approx. 450-500 forest plants.

The bottles are also available to buy as a 5-pack adapted for approx. 1 hectare of planting.

For larger orders, the granules are packed in cartons of 30 bottles.

Weight per bottle: approx. 260g

To ensure smooth planting with arGrow and to make sure that the dosage is correct, we recommend using a scpecifically adapted dosage tool. For example, a hand dispenser that is screwed directly onto the granule container. The hand doser makes it easy to apply granules down into the planting hole in direct contact with the plant's roots.

For planting large plants, e.g. bare root plants, we recommend adding two doses (two presses) with the hand dispenser.

If you choose to plant with arGrow without a suitable tool, we recommend using a measure of approx. 1 ml for each plant. Make sure that the granules are placed under the plant, in contact with the roots.

arGrow granulate has been used extensively for planting of most common Nordic tree species , such as pine, spruce, birch and contorta. Most experience and data on the product's effects are collected from planting pine on poor to medium soils.

Arevo have also carried out studies and field tests on a smaller scale on a wide variety of other tree species, for example oak, poplar, eucalyptus and acacia.

Planting with arGrow enables simpler soil preparation that is carried out directly after felling. The choice of planting point is an important factor for the plant's establishment and growth. Growth is generally better in the mound, as it contains readily available nutrients. Survival is generally better in the mineral soil, as it provides better protection against pine-weevil. In current reforestation systems, one usually waits a few years after felling to prepare the ground and before planting so that the felling waste has time to break down and releases nutrients. Planting with arGrow enables good growth even when planting in the nutrient-poor mineral soil. When planting in mineral soil, simpler and more gentle soil preparation can be carried out and planting can be carried out closer to felling.

With proper storage, arGrow granules last at least 5 years. We recommend storage between -25°C to +35°C, dark, dry and in tightly sealed packaging. Avoid storage in direct sunlight.